Workshop: Team Leadership using DiSC


Phuket, Bangkok, Singapore, Malaysia. In fact, anywhere you want.


To provide a team leadership development experience that is personalised to each individual.

Learning Outcomes

..Identify one’s own working style using DiSC
..See how an understanding of others’ DiSC styles can improve collaboration and reduce conflict
..Understand how your DiSC style determines your strengths, weaknesses, and behaviours as a leader
..Discover how you can develop your leadership skills to more effectively lead others who have different DISC styles 


A team is made up of individuals and each individual brings their own personality, working style, and skill set. This is exactly what makes teams so powerful.

But it is these individual differences that also makes team leadership so difficult. Conflict is often an inevitable consequence of putting together a group of individuals with unique characters and working styles. We may find it hard collaborating with others who approach things very differently from ourselves. In fact, we may find them odd, weird, and irritating.

Using DiSC profiling, we can understand more about our own working style – our motivators and stressors. But, more importantly, we can understand more about others. With an acknowledgement of others’ motivators and stressors, we can modify our own behaviours to “click” better with them and collaborate at higher levels with lower levels of unproductive conflict.

We can also use DiSC to identify our strengths and weaknesses as leaders. We all have a default leadership style that we naturally turn to when leading a team. But what if we could adopt the strengths of other leadership styles as well? We’d be better leaders if we were able to combine the best bits of all the different leadership styles, right?

DiSC profiling is an extremely powerful tool in the pursuit of greater collaboration and reduced conflict. When we better understand ourselves and the other individuals in the teams we lead, we can build stronger bonds with our colleagues and create a personalised leadership development plan that can guide us towards more comprehensive leadership.

The team leadership behaviours and techniques covered in this half-day or full-day workshop can help leaders facilitate their team’s success, from the original vision towards executional excellence.

Get in touch and request a full workshop outline.